Jumat, 03 Juli 2015


The elevator free encyclopedia

Dumb waiters

By  on Jul 4, 2015 in DefinitionTechnology


A few time ago, There somebody who post a status on facebook and asking, "do you know what the name of an equipmet that can be used to distribute documents, it's like an elevator but small and some times used in the hospital, please inform me if you know, what the name and where to buy it?"

The article is a status on Facebook, unfortunately the writer FB status was not included in my friend list , so it is unfortunate to get reply soon, after 5 days later finally she know me. I think if she knows me before, it was not difficult for her to find the equipment she needs.

Do you know the name of the tool you are looking for? Yes, that's Dumbwaiter.

Dumbwaiter is a small goods lift is used to move goods from one floor to another floor within a building, dumbwaiter often often used to transport food or goods with low capacity. Dumbwaiter equipment not designed for use by animals or people.

The small elevator is composed of two types, namely Table type and Floor type, while the payload capacity is 50kgs, 80 kgs, 100kgs, 150kgs for the table type and 200kgs and 300kg for type Floor type.

Dumbwaiter is often used in the restaurant, café or even offices and hospitals. Dumbwaiter generally used as a means of transport between the kitchen and the floor above or below.

If you are the owner of a café or restaurant where the kitchen is located on the floor above, Dumbwaiter is one solution to facilitate your business operations.: 

Visit : http://www.centroadhikarsa.com 

dumb wait•er
noun: dumbwaiter
1. a small elevator for carrying things, especially food and dishes, between the floors of a building.

a movable table, typically with revolving shelves, used in a dining room.

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